Tel: (617) 332-2872

825 Beacon St
Suite 16
Newton, MA 02459

Why Chewing Gum is Good For Your Oral Health

Not all chewing gum are created equally. Although people have been chewing gum for centuries, there’s a critical difference between gum that can help your teeth and gum that can ruin your teeth: sugar!

Sugarless gum has been shown to have oral health benefits and can even help to prevent tooth decay! In fact, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes a day helps to increase saliva in your mouth. In addition, the increased saliva helps neutralize and wash away the acids in your mouth that are produced by broken down foods. By washing away this acid, you can protect your enamel.

Increased saliva flow also helps to carry more phosphorus and calcium around your mouth. These nutrients are key to strengthening enamel, which lowers your risk for tooth decay.

Chewing gum after a meal has even earned the seal of approval from the American Dental Association. That means that chewing gum is certified to meet certain dental standards such as reducing plaque acids, reducing cavities, and that it is safe for oral tissues.

After your business lunch, opt for a piece of sugarless gum. Not only will it keep your teeth healthy, but it will also keep your breath fresh!
