The Unexpected Tooth Sinus Connection

When you feel pain in your tooth you usually expect something to be wrong with your tooth. Quite often though tooth pain can be a result of pressure from the sinuses. If you are having a bad cold or a sinus infection, or even if you just have narrow nasal passages in general, the pain […]

High Blood Pressure and Oral Health

As you’ve probably heard from your dentist during your cleanings (or in another one of these blogs!), having good oral health is essential to having good whole body health. We tend to think of this correlation as a preventative measure rather than one that can dial back health issues you already have, but for the […]

Common Signs of Teething

Your baby is growing up, and so are their teeth! According to the American Dental Association most babies develop their first tooth around six months of age. After that first eruption your baby will have a full set of primary teeth in three years. Although it is usually pretty easy to spot teething, we created […]

The Wisdom Behind Wisdom Teeth

Getting your wisdom teeth out usually means a few different things. While it’s a great opportunity to miss school or work, it can also result in pain. It can be especially painful for those of us who had to wait until winter break or summer vacation to get them out. In that case it can […]

Bacteria-Causing Gum Disease May Lead to Oral Cancer Growth

As the body ages it becomes increasingly important to pay close attention to your oral hygiene. Keeping up with your dental health wards off common issues such as cavities and plaque. More important than this however, maintaining good hygiene limits your risk for gum disease and oral cancer. A study from Case Western Reserve University […]

What is Your Mouth Trying to Tell You?

You may not realize it, but your mouth is probably trying to tell you something pretty serious after you turn thirty. Past the age of thirty you have a fifty percent chance of suffering from some form of gum disease. If you are experiencing chronic bad breath, bleeding gums while brushing, bleeding or sore gums […]

Oral Health Tips for Those Aged 40-60

If you’re between 40-60 years old, you have unique concerns with regards to your oral health. Here’s what you should be paying attention to. 1. Gum Disease Gingivitis is the first and only stage of gum disease that is reversible. If not treated properly, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis—a serious, destructive disease. Some people with […]

Floss without Floss

When it comes to flossing, it’s not exactly the easiest thing to add organically to your routine. Sure, we are all told from childhood that flossing daily is crucial to oral health and preventing cavities/gum disease, and this is one hundred percent true. But in reality, how many of us truly floss at least once […]

Osteoporosis & Dental Health

Having osteoporosis can affect more than just your bones. The treatment for osteoporosis as well as the disease itself can harm your oral health. If you suffer from osteoporosis, then it is important to let your doctor know about any medications that you may take. Many osteoporosis medicines (called antiresorptive agents) strive to strengthen bones, […]

Diet Soda = Dental Damage!

Between the crack of the bottle cap, the bubbly fizz, the first refreshing sip, and zero calories to boot, diet soda can be totally addicting. But is it possible to enjoy this treat without any side effects? A new study states that diet soda could indeed be as “damaging to teeth as methamphetamine, or cocaine.” […]