DIY Whitening: What You Should Know

Whitening products that can be purchased online or at the drugstore have become ubiquitous. You’ve probably seen ads on magazines or social media for easily obtainable whitening products that promise pearlier whites after one use. The appeal is obvious. After all, everyone wants shiny, white teeth! But do these products really work, and more importantly, […]

Bridges vs. Implants

If you are missing several teeth, you know how difficult it can be. Missing teeth can cause problems with speech, chewing, and in more serious cases, even the overall shape of the face. While these challenges may seem difficult and impossible to fix, there are things that can be done to restore your smile and […]

4 Tips to Help you Choose the Right Dentist

Websites such as Amazon and Expedia have trained us to be price analysts in our search for the perfect product. We expect to be able to use filters to instantly find the most bang for our buck–a process that works for purchasing shoes, air travel, electronics, even food items. Yet when it comes to choosing […]

Treating Cracked and Chipped Teeth

Cracked a Tooth? Cracking or chipping your tooth can be extremely painful. While a chipped or cracked tooth may cause issues with chewing, biting, and eating, it can also cause further harm to your other teeth. What Happens? A cracked tooth can cause harm to the root of the tooth and can sometimes lead to […]

Vegetarian? Your Dental Health Could be at Risk

We all have different prerogatives when discussing food choices. One of the major food prerogatives is becoming a vegetarian. Some of us choose this lifestyle, but do we ever consider any of the consequences associated with it? In terms of dental health, there are some concerns related to a strict vegetarian diet. First, there are […]

Try On A Crown?

Crowns, fillings, caps, veneers—your dentist is always using terms for different ways to give you your perfect smile… but what do they all mean? In this blog, we’ll be focusing on crowns—what they are, what they’re made of, and most importantly, how they could benefit you! You’ll be “crowned” an expert in no time. What […]

Understanding the Difference Between Demineralization and Tooth Erosion

While both dental demineralization and erosion happen as a result of an acidic environment in the mouth, there are some key differences. The three main differences are the source of the acid that’s causing the damage, the location where the damage is happening, and the reversibility of the damage. Source of acid damage to the […]

What Are Dental Implant Abutment?

When it comes to dental implants, most people are familiar with the implant itself and the crown or bridge. But there’s one part of the ensemble that doesn’t often get discussed: the abutment. The dental implant abutment is a small object usually made of titanium or zirconia that acts as the connection between the dental […]

What Causes a Gummy Smile?

While a gummy smile can just be a result of a person having too much gums, there are a few other issues that could be going on that make a person’s smile appear gummy. Here are a few other reasons why someone’s smile may appear gummy: Improperly erupted teeth – If someone’s teeth erupt improperly, […]

What is Peri-implant Disease and Signs You Might Have It

As dental implant treatment became increasingly popular, dentists started noticing that some dental implant patients were experiencing inflammation of tissue around their implants. This inflammation is what dentists call peri-implant disease. Dentists responded quickly to these findings, identifying factors that could put patients at risk for these peri-implant diseases, and developing treatments. What is peri-implant […]