Websites such as Amazon and have trained us to be price experts in our search for the perfect product. We expect to be able to use filters to instantly find the most bang for our buck – a process that works for purchasing shoes, air travel, electronics, even food items. Yet when it comes to choosing your dentist, the decision shouldn’t be based on price alone since such a decision can cost you more in the long run.

What information is available to us? Next to a dentist’s smiling photo on a website, there is often a stream of acronyms, initials, and terms that make us run to our dictionary apps for help. Most of us have not been trained in the art of deciphering what various dental degrees, certifications, honors, and memberships actually mean. Just knowing that the doctor went through years of arduous schooling may seem to be sufficient qualification to be up for the job.

So educate yourself. You are not shopping for a one-size-fits-all procedure that you can stick on like a Band-Aid. You are investing in your health, esthetics, and physical functionality. Look for a dentist who:

Choosing a dentist will take time and effort, but the upfront investment will pay dividends in transforming your smile the right way the first time.

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